Illustrators Galore! June 19, 2004September 10, 2021 Good Art & Design Cartographer, Donato Giancola, 2001 Faramir at Osgiliath, Danto Giancola, 2002 Archangel, Donato Giancola, 1998 Unveiling The Statue of Liberty, Edward Moran, 1886 Once a Week, Frederick Sandys, 1862 Savage Tales of Solomon Kane, Gary Gianni, 1998 Nanuki: Lord of the Ice, Artist, 1999 The Smart Set, Guy Hoff, c1925 Attack on a Galleon, Howard Pyle, 1905 The Nation Makers, Howard Pyle, 1906 The Fencer, James Montgomery Flagg Uncle Sam with Empty Treasury, James Montgomery Flagg, 1920 Cymbeline, Kiunko Craft, 2002 Faust, Ray Largo, 1998 Title Unknown, Sarah Stilwell Weber, 1906 Target for Matrimony, Steve McNeil, 1952 Ashling, Tristan Elwell, 2002 PinterestTwitterFacebookLinkedIn Illustrators