
Gifts for Bridesmaids

Planning a wedding can take weeks, months, or even years. But while it’s essential to plan every small detail down to the table arrangements, it’s equally important to think about gifts for your bridesmaids, like bridal robes or personalised pyjamas, for example.

A bride’s bridal party can play a significant role in how the day plays out. They take the lead on ensuring appointments are kept, items are picked up, and everything runs like a well-oiled machine.

It makes sense to want to thank them for their efforts – even with a small token of your appreciation. If you’re stuck for ideas, we’ve included a few of the most popular gifts for bridesmaids below.

Personalised Pyjamas

The gift of personalised pyjamas can be well-received by any bridesmaid. They come in handy for pre-wedding events, but they are also something the bridesmaid can use long after the wedding celebrations have stopped.

You can also have the bridesmaid’s full name, first name, or initials monogrammed onto them as another beautiful touch. What’s more, they are available in various styles and colours to suit your preferences.


If you’ve allowed plenty of room in your budget for bridesmaids’ gifts, you can’t go wrong with jewellery. A beautiful necklace or bracelet can be a lovely way to tell your bridal party just how much you appreciate them.

You can even go one step further and engrave them with some sweet words. “Valued bridesmaid 11.11.2011” or even their name can make for a memorable gift.


How to Know Your Diamond is a Fake 

Whether you’ve been gifted a piece of jewellery that you’re not sure of, or there are some inconsistencies with your engagement ring, you may be questioning your diamond’s authenticity. It can be easy to play off a fake diamond as a real one, causing some problems when you don’t buy from a reputable jeweller.

Buying from a high-quality, reputable jeweller such as, is one way to know your diamond is real. However, how are you supposed to know if your diamond is fake? There are several ways to go about it.

See a Jeweller

Whether you just want peace of mind or you have genuine concerns, seeing a jeweller can be the way to know if your diamond is fake. Jewellers have years of experience in the industry, so any engagement ring or jewellery piece is no match for their eagle eye. Within minutes, they will be able to tell you whether you’ve got an authentic diamond or one that’s disappointedly fake.

Use Fog

Did you know you can tell a diamond is fake just by using your breath? Hold your diamond in front of your mouth and breath onto it to try and fog it up. Just like you would do to a pane of glass or a mirror.

If the stone fogs up and stays like that for a few seconds, then there’s a high probability that it’s a fake. Condensation doesn’t stick to the surface of a real diamond, so it will rarely fog up.


Tooth Tattoos And What They Add To Your Smile

If we told you that the next time you want a tattoo, you should go and see your dentist, you might think we have gone mad. After all, a tattoo artist creates tattoos. Well, they do if the tattoo is going to be located anywhere on your skin. Still, the latest in individualistic body decoration is to have a tattoo on your teeth, and their popularity is growing exponentially.

Let us say from the outset that the dental procedure for having a tooth tattoo is not the same as you will go through if you want your children’s names on each arm, or your favourite rock group emblazoned across your back. In this respect, it is not the tattoo parlour you need to make an appointment for; it is your dentist or at least a dentist who offers tooth tattoos as one of their services.

Tooth tattoos can be either temporary or permanent, and here again, the process for each is entirely different. First, if you want a tattoo that will only last more than 24 hours, you can buy decals that stick to your tooth’s surface. These might be fine for a one-off event such as a party, but as we said, they last no more than a day.

Regular temporary tooth tattoos last for up to 3 months, and the fact that they are not permanent makes them highly popular as those who have them know they can change the artwork.

This is where we should say that, strictly speaking, we should not call these ‘tooth tattoos’, as they are created on crowns or veneers. Your dentist will first take an impression of your teeth and then send that to a dental lab that not only manufactures the crown but also has the skills to create the artwork for the tattoo.


Benefits of Dental Design Procedures

When you see the price tag of some dentist offerings, you may wonder why people make twice-yearly appointments. However, once you know what’s involved in any cosmetic dentistry procedure and how a dentist can virtually design the perfect smile, you’ll realise it’s not out of the question.

There are many benefits associated with cosmetic dentistry, and before long, you’ll be making an appointment of your own.

Feel More Confident about Smile

Dentists say that an alarming number of people choose to look miserable in photos because they aren’t happy with their teeth. Some people prefer to show a close-mouthed, neutral look, even at the most joyous time of their life, because their teeth make them feel self-conscious. A dentist can design a new smile, meaning you’ll be more confident to show your teeth and grin – both in photos and during happy occasions.

Teeth whitening can offer that gleaming, sparkly look you see on models on TV. Caps and veneers, on the other hand, are ideal for closing gaps, removing chips, and taking care of permanent staining.

Improve Your Work Prospects

Nearly a third of Americans in a study said they observed a person’s teeth the first time they met them. They would then go on to remember them after the meeting was over. Healthy teeth leave a lasting impression – especially for future bosses and hiring managers.

If you are about to apply for a new job, and your teeth are not how you would prefer them to be, then it might be time to ask your local cosmetic dentist what they can do for you. An in-chair or take-home whitening treatment may be all it takes to turn heads. Otherwise, you can fill gaps with dental implants. Improve your job prospects as quickly as letting your dentist design your new smile.


Female Artists

A month or two ago someone sent me a comment criticizing the lack of any female artists on my site. Of course that’s a silly claim since I have quite a number of paintings by female artists here, and since I judge paintings by whether they are good rather than whether they are made by men or women. Be that as it may, I did a little checking just to see if there were any female artists whose work I had overlooked and I found a few interesting paintings that were on my list of things waiting to be considered and so I decided to scan them and post them for all to see. Ordinarily, I dislike exhibitions of art organized by sex, race, or similar irrelevant characteristics, but in this case they just happened to come to my attention at about the same time because of these silly allegations, so here they are…